with the scientific collaboration of
ISSN 2611-8858

Marta Cartabia

Marta Cartabia is the President of the Italian Constitutional Court and was appointed as a Judge at the Constitutional Court in September 2011. She is full professor of Public and Constitutional Law.

She is PhD in Law at the European University Institute, Florence (1993) and Research Scholar at the Michigan Law School (Ann Arbor, USA (1991).

She served at the Research Office of the Italian Constitutional Court (1996-1998) where she also clerked from 1993 to 1995.

She taught in several Italian universities and was visiting scholar and professor in France, Spain, Germany and US.

She was Clynes Chair in Judicial Ethics, Notre Dame University, Indiana (USA, 2013), Inaugural Fellow at the Straus Institute for Advanced Study in Law and Justice, New York University, New York (USA, 2009-2010) and she was awarded a Jean Monnet Module in European Constitutional Law (2005-2008).

She was senior expert of FRALEX – Fundamental Rights Agency Legal Experts – Vienna (2008-2010) and adjunct member of the European Commission’s Network of Independent Experts on Fundamental Rights (2003-2006).

She is a member of the Society’s Council of ICON•S (The International Society of Public Lawand of the Associazione Italiana dei Costituzionalisti.

She sits in the scientific and editorial board of a number of academic law journals; she is one of the founders and, at present, the editor in chief (with Giacinto della Cananea) of the Italian Journal of Public Law.

She intervened as a speaker in a number of international conferences and as Vice President of the Italian Constitutional Court in meetings with delegations of constitutional judges of other countries.

Since 2013, she has been invited to the annual Global Constitutionalism Seminar, part of the Gruber Program for Global Justice and Women’s Rights, hosted by the Yale Law School.

Since December 2017, she is a Substitute member for Italy of the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe.

She is author of many books, book chapters and articles.