con la colaboración cientí­fica de
ISSN 2611-8858

Oreste Pollicino

Nato a Messina. Laureato nel marzo del 1999  presso la Facoltà di giurisprudenza dell'Università di Messina. LLM in European Law, College of Europe, Bruges.   Professore ordinario di diritto costituzionale. Avvocato cassazionista.

Curriculum accademico

Professore ordinario di diritto costituzionale.

Direttore della Collana Diritto e Policy dei Nuovi Media, Aracne.

Editor in Chief: i diritti fondamentali in Europa - Diritto e Policy dei Nuovi Media.

Editor della Rivista Journal of Communications Law and Policy


Appointments at national Institutions

2016: Appointed as expert, Ministry of Justice, revision of the directive on digital content

2016: Appointed as  legal expert for the drafting of the white book on the protection  digital contents by  the National Authority of Communications  

2015: Appointed as  legal expert, Ministry of the Economic Development, technical table on Net Neutrality


Appointments at European and international Institutions

2015: Appointed as national expert by the Council of Europe, Directorate of Internal Oversight

2015: Appointed as national legal expert by the Council of Europe,  Directorate Human Rights and Rule of law

2015: Appointed as expert valuator at the at the Commission of the European Union, H2020 GERI call (Science with and for Society 2014-2015 Work Program).

2014: Appointed as independent legal expert at OSCE,  Representative on Freedom of the Media, Vienna

2013:  Appointed as expert valuator by the Commission of the European Union, for the  call FP7-SiS-2013-1, Structural Change and Gender Mainstreaming, DG Research & Innovation

Aree di interesse scientifico

Diritto costituzionale italiano  europeo. Diritto dell'informazione e della comunicazione. Diritto di internet. Giustizia costituzionale. Law and Cinema.

Visiting Scholarship and Professorship: Oxford University, Law School (Institute of European and Comparative Law and Programme in Comparative Media Law and Policy) , Central European University (Budapest), Haifa Law School (Global law Program).

Judge at final rounds at Monroe Price Moot Court in Media Law, Oxford University.




1. Protection of Fundamental Rights in Internet and Judicial Interaction. A Constitutional Comparative Perspective, under contract with Hart Publishing, Oxford (expected in 2017);

2. (Con E. Apa) Modeling the Liability of Internet Service Providers: Google versus Vividown:  A Constitutional Perspective, Milano, Egea, 2013;  

3. (Con G. Martinico), The Interaction between Europe's Legal Systems: Judicial Dialogue and the Creation of Supranational Laws,  Edward Elgar Publishing, 2012

4.  L’allargamento ad est dell’Europa e rapporti tra Corti costituzionali e Corti europee. Verso una teoria generale dell’impatto interordinamentale del diritto sovranazionale?, Giuffrè, Milan; 2010,

5. Discriminazione sulla base del sesso e trattamento preferenziale nel diritto comunitario: un profilo giurisprudenziale alla ricerca del nucleo duro del "new legal order", Premio Marco Biagi 2005, Giuffrè, Fondazione Marco Biagi, Milano, 2005



1. (With G. Busia and L. Liguori), The Data protection Italian legislation 20 years later (in Italian), forthcoming, forthcoming, Aracne, 2016;  

2. (With R. Mastroianni, O. Razzolini, S. Allegrezza, F. Pappalardo, Commentary to the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union (in Italian), Giuffrè, forthcoming, 2013,  

3. (With M. Bassini e V. Lubello), Digital inheritance and digital identity, Aracne (in Italian), forthcoming,  2016;

4. (With R. Franzosi and G. Campus), Internet and Copyright protection in the European perspective. The Digital Single Market Copyright,  Aracne, forthcoming, 2016;

5.  (With G. Romeo), Internet Law, Protection of Fundamental Rights and Constitutional Adjudication,  Routledge, 2016,  6. (With E. Apa), Code of Digital Information, second edition, entirely revised and edition , 2015, Egea,

6. (With M. Bassini), Towards  an Internet Bill of Rights?(in Italian), Aracne, 2015 .

7.  (With E. Apa), The first 15 years of the activity of the Italian Communication Authority,(in Italian) Aracne, 2015;  

8. (With S. Gobbato), Sport rights between antitrust and regulation (in Italian),  Aracne, 2014 10. 

9. (With E. Bertolini and V. Lubello), Internet: Regole e tutela dei diritti fondamentali (Internet: Regulation and Protection of Fundamental Rights, in Italian), Rome, Aracne, 2013,  

10.   (With A. Mazzaro), Tutela del copyright e della privacy sul web: quid iuris?, (Copyright versus Privacy in Internet, Quid Iuris?, in Italian ), Rome, Aracne, 2012,

11. Class Actions nel diritto comparato (Class Actions in Comparative Law, in Italian)  in Diritto Pubblico Comparato ed Europeo, 3/2012, 12

12. (With G. Martinico), The National Judicial Treatment of Supranational Laws. A Comparative Perspective, Groningen, Europa Law Publishing, 2010,


Voci enciclopediche, Saggi e capitoli  (selezione biennio 2015-2016) 

1. Media,  Max Plank Encyclopedia of Comparative Constitutional Law (Oxford University Press)

2.  Law and Cinema, Encyclopedia for the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy (Springer)

3.   (With G. Martinico e B. Guastaferro), Italy, in A. Albi (ed), The Role of National Constitutions in European and Global Governance, ASSER,  forthcoming, 2016  

4. (With E. Bertolini and V. Francheschelli), Analysis of ISP regulation under Italian Law, in G. Dinwoodi (ed), Secondary liability of Internet Service providers, Springer, forthcoming, 2016; 

5. Della sopravvivenza delle tradizioni costituzionali comuni alla Carta di Nizza: ovvero del mancato avverarsi di una (cronaca di) morte annunciata (is common constitutional tradition still a meaningful concept? (in Italian)  in Diritto dell’Unione europea, 2016, an

6.  (With M. Bassini),  Trattamento dei dati personali e ordine di protezione europeo: alla ricerca di un punto di equilibrio", in M. Ceresa-Gastaldo-H. Belluta (eds), L'ordine di protezione europeo. La tutela delle vittime di reato come motore della cooperazione giudiziaria,  Giuffrè, 2016, 122-154

7.(With G. Romeo), Internet and models of constitutional review, in Internet Law, Protection of Fundamental Rights and Constitutional Adjudication,  Routledge, 2016,  234-255

8. (With Bassini), Schrems, Il peso della Carta dei diritti fondamentali dell’Unione europea nel reasoning della Corte (Schrems, the role of the Charter of fundamental rights in the ECJ reasoning, in Italian), in Diritto dell’Informazione e dell’informatica,  2015, 743-778

9. From the Academia to the (constitutional bench,) An heterodox reading of the last move (decision No. 238/2014) of the Italian Constitutional Court on the relationship between Constitution and international (customary) law, in Diritto Pubblico comparato ed europeo, 2015, 1104-1127

10. (With M. Bassini) The Luxembourg Sense of the Internet: Towards a Right to Digital Privacy, in The Global Community, OUP, 2015, 223-246

11. The European Judicial Dialogue and the Protection of Fundamental Rights in the New Digital Environment, The Case of Freedom of Speech, in S. Morando-Foadi (ed), Fundamental Rights in the EU: a matter for two Courts, Hart, 2015, 93-114

12. European Court of Human Rights and Italian Constitutional Court:  No ‘Groovy  Kind of Love, in K. Siegler (ed), The UK and  of European Court of Human Rights- A Strained relationship, Hart, 2015, 362-378

13. La transizione dagli atomi ai bit nel reasoning delle Corti europee (Protection of  fundamental rights on the Internet: From atoms to bits in the reasoning of the European Courts, in Italian) in Ragion Pratica, 2015, 53-82

14. Corte di giustizia e giudici nazionali: il moto “ascendente”, ovverosia l’incidenza delle “tradizioni costituzionali comuni” nella tutela apprestata ai diritti dalla Corte dell’Unione (Role of the Common Constitutional Traditions in the European Integration Process, in Italian), in A. Ruggeri (ed) Crisi dello stato nazionale, dialogo intergiurispudenziale e tutela dei diritti fondamentali, 2015, Giappichelli, 91-12

15. the European and Constitutional Implications of the Google v. Vividown Saga, in   2014 The Global Community,  2015, Oxford University Press