with the scientific collaboration of
ISSN 2611-8858

Pedro Caeiro

Pedro Caeiro (b. 1967) studied at the Faculty of Law of the Coimbra University, Portugal, where he started working as an assistant teacher immediately after having earned his law degree (1990). He received his PhD in 2008, with a thesis on the fundament, content and limits of the jurisdiction of the State over criminal matters. Since then, he is an Assistant Professor at the same Faculty, where he lectures criminal law and international judicial cooperation in criminal matters. He is a senior researcher with the University of Coimbra Institute for Legal Research (Instituto Jurídico), which he also helped to set up, as a member of its inaugural Coordinating Board (2013-2017). He has participated in several international research projects, mainly on European criminal law, and has taught in various countries as a visiting lecturer.

As a consultant, Pedro Caeiro has (co-)written advisory opinions in more than sixty criminal cases and has worked for several public bodies and agencies. In 1995, he was appointed as a member of the Ministerial Committee charged with the reform of the laws on the enforcement of custodial sanctions (imprisonment and security measures) and on juvenile delinquency. Over the last fifteen years, he has (co-)drafted legal opinions for the Portuguese Government on the implementation of European and international legislation on money laundering, terrorism and restrictive measures.

At the request of the Organization of the American States, he designed and coordinated a training course on anti-money laundering for Brazilian judges and prosecutors (2005). More recently, the Portuguese agency for the legal and cultural cooperation with the Lusophone states commissioned him to draft model legal provisions on trafficking in drugs, money laundering and corruption, which are intended to serve as a basis for the harmonisation of the criminal law of the African Portuguese-speaking countries and East Timor (2017).




I. Monographs

  • Fundamento, Conteúdo e Limites da Jurisdição Penal do Estado. O caso português, Coimbra Editora / Wolters Kluwer, 2010 (PhD thesis 2007), 599 p.
  • Sobre a Natureza dos Crimes Falenciais. O património, a falência, a sua incriminação e a reforma dela, Studia Iuridica, Coimbra Editora, 1996 (repr. 2003) (Master's thesis 1994), 335 p.


II. Edition / coordination / organisation of collective works


III. Chapters in collective works and articles